Void Cheque: Everything You Need to Know
To void a cheque: write “VOID” across it using a dark pen or marker. Make the letters large and space them out so that they fill all of the fields you would fill out.
Key Takeaways
To void a cheque, all you have to do is take a cheque from your cheque book and write “VOID” across it using a dark pen or marker. Make the letters large and space them out so that they fill all of the fields you would normally fill out.
What is a Void Cheque?
Void cheques are documents that are used to request the payment of a certain sum of money from your bank account. They can be easily found online and downloaded, as well as printed out and signed by yourself before being submitted at any bank branch near you.

Void cheques have been around for quite some time now, but they still continue to exist because they provide a quick way to withdraw funds from an account without having to rely on physical cash or using personal checks.
The use of these cheques is also advantageous in cases where people might not have their own checking accounts with banks because it will allow them access to the same financial benefits that come with opening one. This article will discuss how void cheques work, what information is needed when completing one, and the process of getting the cheque cashed.
Direct Deposit
Direct deposits are the process for cashing a void cheque and getting it deposited into your checking account. It is effective, but it does require that you have the necessary banking information to complete the transaction. Once you have signed and dated the document, you'll need to go to an authorized bank branch near you and provide a void cheque.
The bankers will usually take a photo of your completed void cheque, so they can verify that it's valid before processing it for deposit. They might also ask you to show some form of identification, such as your driver's license or state ID card, so they can verify that the signature on the cheque matches what is stored on their records for your account.
What is a Deposit Slip?
Some people refer to deposit slips as "cheque forms," and they're generally used by people to deposit money into their personal or business accounts. They can also be referred to by different names, such as a bank form, a bank form deposit slip, a deposit form, or a cheque request.
In general, these slips are completed when you're making a withdrawal transaction from the account you're using. On the receipt for this type of transaction, you'll be able to find the account number and routing number for your checking account in order to make the necessary deposits.
Automated Payments
Electronic payments, known as automatic payments, are made automatically, by the transfer of funds from one account to another.
The money you spend or give away is deducted (or debited) from your account and added (or credited) to that person's bank balance.
When someone pays for something with a credit card, they're only borrowing money that will eventually need to be repaid. This type of transaction does not involve any kind of cash exchange between two people, so it can happen without either party even knowing about each other if both use cards linked to their own accounts at different banks that are at a distance from one another.
Are void Cheques safe?

The use of void cheques is perfectly safe as long as the transaction involves transferring funds from one account to another, and it's between two people that have their accounts at different banks that are located some distance from one another. If there is a problem with the authorization process on a bank, though, then these transactions may not be compliant with security protocols and might put your money at risk. It will also be difficult to replace any lost funds if something were to happen because only the recipient would have access to them in this type of circumstance.
The process of getting the cheque cashed
The process of getting the cheque cashed is as follows.
1. Fill in the necessary bank account information on the cheque:
- Enter your bank account number and account name under "payee."
- Make sure you fill in the amount that you want to withdraw and write it under "amount."
- Write your signature under "signature." If there is no space, then provide a space for your signature by writing two dashes above or below where you would like to sign. It is important that you sign it before sending it off to the bank.
2. Submit your signed cheque at any branch of your financial institution:
- You can take it inside the branch and hand it over to a teller, or mail it to the address provided on your bank's website.
- Wait for the money that you've requested to be deposited into your account and finished!
It is critical to remember that not all banks allow their customers to use void cheques. For example, if you have an account with Scotiabank and want to use this cheque to withdraw money, then the bank will not allow you to do so.
Where can you get your Void Cheques from?
You can get your void cheques from any bank, and you don't have to look too hard as they are all over the place. You can print them off from the internet or even from your computer, but if you want a physical copy, then you'll need to go into a branch near you.
Void cheques are useful for paying people sometimes. If you don't understand them at first, they can look like something very complicated and hard to do, but it's quite the opposite. All you need to know is how much money should go into the payee's bank account and how it should be formatted on the cheque.
There will also be a place for the bank information of the payer and recipient, as well as signatures from both parties.
How do I get a void cheque online?
First, you would go to a site that provides downloadable or online templates for void cheques. You may even be able to find the specific kind of document you need, such as a sample check with no payee name filled out on it.
Then if a person has access to two different banking accounts that they want to be linked together through the use of a void cheque, then filling in all the pertinent information from both bank reports will be necessary.
Lastly, taking your completed and signed off "void check" into any authorized bank branch near you will allow them to photograph it and deposit it in your account within minutes after verification of authenticity is done.

The process of getting the cheque cashed is quite easy and requires no more than filling in some personal information on both sides, signing it with your signature, and taking it to any bank branch. You can also get a void cheque to pay online or from your computer if you have access to one. If not, don't worry! There are plenty of banks near you that offer these services without even needing an appointment - just stop by during their business hours!