Baby names

Ariadne is a Baby Girl Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Ariadne.

The name Ariadne is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "most holy". This name of the Cretan goddess of fertility is most popular now as the more melodic Ariana, but Ariadne has possibilities of its own. It first entered the US Top 1000 in 2014. The renewed interest in the name falls in line with the revival of other mythological names like Apollo and Athena. The trendy nickname Ari doesn't hurt either. In Greek mythology, she was the daughter of Minus who gave Theseus the thread by which he escaped from the labyrinth. After being deserted by him, she married Dionysus, the god of fertility, wine and drama

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Popularity of Ariadne

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Characteristics of Ariadne

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