Baby names

Dalton is a Baby Boy Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Dalton.

The name Dalton is a boy's name of English origin meaning "the settlement in the valley". Dalton is a name with multi-faceted appeal. Many are attracted to the name's resemblance to other two-syllable n-ending favorites: Colton, Holden, and cousins. Others see it as a trendy Western name, recalling the legendary Dalton Brothers gang. It also has something of an upscale, preppy feel connected to the exclusive New York private school. The most well known bearer of the name is blacklisted screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, but there have been a number of high-profile fictional Daltons as well. Dalton Rumba was an adult character on Glee, Clive Owen played a Dalton in Inside Man, there was a scholarly Dalton on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Patrick Swayze opened the film Roadhouse by stating "My name is Dalton Russell."

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