Baby names

Delilah is a Baby Girl Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Delilah.

The name Delilah is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "delight or to flirt". Delilah has shed the stigma of its biblical beguiling-temptress image, and is now appreciated for its haunting, melodic, feminine qualities. Checking out Delilah's popularity graph shows that Delilah's use is heading straight for the top. Right now, Delilah is among the most popular Hebrew names for girls in the US as well as the Number 1 girls' name starting with D. There is a Camille Saint-Saens opera Samson and Delilah and Welsh singer Tom Jones has been singing the praises of Delilah for decades; other musicians who have sung about her include Chuck Berry and Queen. Delilah was Whoopi Goldberg's character's name in When Stella Got Her Groove Back, and Lisa Rinna and Harry Hamlin have a daughter named Delilah Belle. Kimberly Stewart and Benicio del Toro also named their baby girl Delilah.

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