Baby names

Ella is a Baby Girl Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Ella.

Ella is one of the hottest girl names right now, and a perennial celeb favorite. Among the stars that have named their daughters Ella: John Travolta and Kelly Preston, Warren Beatty and Annette Benning, Ben Stiller and Christine Taylor, and Mark Wahlberg. It’s not hard to see the name’s appeal. It manages to sound romantic, modern, and sophisticated all at once. Then there’s that catchy Rhianna song, “Umbrella” (Ella, ella, ella.) And little girls will adore the meaning “beautiful fairy woman.”

Popularity Baby Names

Popularity of Ella

Characteristics Baby Names

Characteristics of Ella

Celebrity Baby Names

Celebrity with the name Ella

What Moms are Saying about the Baby Name Ella

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