Baby names

Thaddeus is a Baby Boy Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Thaddeus.

The name Thaddeus is a boy's name of Aramaic origin meaning "gift of God". Thaddeus, a distinguished, long-neglected name, has several areas of appeal: a solid New Testament legacy, a nice antique feel, and the choice of several more modern nicknames and international variations. In the Bible, Thaddeus was one of the original Twelve Apostles. Thaddeus has made quite a few screen appearances, ranging from Spongebob Squarepants to Police Academy to Get Smart (it was the given name of the Chief) to Harry Potter. As Tadzio—the Slavic version—he played a leading role in Thomas Mann's Death in Venice. In real life, Thaddeus Stevens was a dominant political figure during the Civil War. Mia Farrow has a son named Thaddeus.

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