Baby names

Thatcher is a Baby Boy Name

Find out the meaning behind the name Thatcher.

The name Thatcher is a boy's name of English origin meaning "roof thatcher". Thatcher is an open and friendly freckle-faced surname, fresher sounding than Tyler or Taylor, that dates back to the days of thatched-roof cottages. It is catching on with modern parents—it reached the US Top 1000 for the first time in 2013. Britberries in particular may have strong associations to Prime Minister Margaret, but the surname has other notable bearers as well, such as Becky Thatcher, the object of Tom's affections in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Thatcher Grey is the protagonist's father on Grey's Anatomy, and a young Heath Ledger played William Thatcher in 2001's A Knight's Tale. TV celebrity chef Cat Cora has a son named Thatcher Julius.

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