
Aquarius Zodiac Sign | Personality Traits, Symbol & Dates

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Aquarius Zodiac Profile - Personality Traits, Symbol, Dates & Fun Facts

Bio: I'm the most special sign in the zodiac. I often tend to follow the moment and see the world as a place with endless possibilities. As energetic and eccentric as I can be, I also have a really shy and quiet side. I believe in idealism and I see people without any prejudice.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Dates: January 20 - February 18

Element: Air

Zodiac quality: Fixed

Ruling planet: Uranus, Saturn

Greatest compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius

My strengths: Often leftist, original, independent

My weaknesses: Inflexible, high-tempered, runs from emotional expression

I like: Being with friends, risky business, fighting for justice, intellectual discussions

I dislike: being constrained, being alone, broken promises, boring situations

The History of Aquarius Zodiac Sign

The sign of Aquarius does not correspond to the Gemini constellation. It lies between Capricorn and Pisces in the zodiac, occupying the 11th 30 degrees of the circle. Aquarius is a fixed sign that follows after the winter season in Capricorn has begun. It symbolizes winter's firm, snowy, and chilly half before there is any indication of spring. The brightest star in the constellation is also known as Antares or the Heart of the Scorpion, and it derives its name from Greek mythology. The latter part of the term refers to Latin meaning "water-carrier" or "cup-carrier," one of the most ancient recognized constellations along the zodiac.

Aquarius Characteristics & Traits

Aquarius Personality

The Aquarius zodiac sign is the most humanitarian of all the signs.

They are quick-witted, charming, and always ready to make a joke. They also have a very strong sense of justice.

Aquarians are great friends and are always there for you when you need them, and they are known for their independent streak.

Aquarius Strengths

People born under this air sign are very intelligent, and they have a very quick mind.

They are also very good at communicating with others. They are always ready to help others, and they are very humanitarian.

Their strengths also include their independent streak and ability to adapt to any situation.

Aquarius Weaknesses

Aquarians can be very inflexible, and they can be very high-tempered. They can also be very impulsive, and they may act without thinking.

Their weaknesses include their need for independence and dislike of being alone.

2022 update: How the Mercury retrograde will affect Aquarius?

During Mercury retrograde, Aquarius, and inspiration may seem like an uphill struggle. Don't get caught up in frustration and focus your attention on the larger picture.

It's a wonderful moment to put down the dating apps for a while and instead direct all of your energy toward something new.

Right now, Aquarius has an incredible chance to discover a new interest or creative passion, but don't expect anything to happen overnight.

Looking to learn more about your sign? Check out our blog on our best astrology apps

Aquarius: Symbol & Mythology

The Water Bearer symbolizes the Aquarius zodiac sign. The Water Bearer is a person who brings water to others.

This symbolizes Aquarius's ability to bring knowledge and information to others.

The mythological story of the Aquarius zodiac sign is the story of Ganymede. Ganymede was a young man kidnapped by Zeus and taken to Olympus.

Zeus made Ganymede his cupbearer. This story symbolizes Aquarius's ability to bring knowledge and information to others.

Aquarius: Horoscope

According to the horoscope, Aquarius people are in for a month of change.

In the coming weeks, you may find yourself taking on a new project at work or starting a new relationship.

This is a time of growth and expansion, so embrace change and seize the opportunity to learn new things.

However, horoscope also warns that this month may be marked by some tension and stress.

Aquarius people are known for their independent streak, but in the coming weeks you may need to rely on others for help and support.

Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. By working together, you can overcome any challenges that come your way.

Aquarius: Season, Mode, and Element

Middle and heart of winter

The Aquarius season begins on January 21 in the Western Tropical Zodiac, this is a time when the sun is at its lowest power, and the days are at their shortest.

The weather is cold, and the earth is barren. This is a time of stillness, introspection, and planning.

Fixed Sign

It is the last of the four fixed zodiac signs, which are all considered to be unchanging. The other three fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.

Air Element

Aquarius is ruled by the element of air, which is associated with the mind, mental clarity, and communication.

Air signs are known for their intellect and ability to see sides of every issue.

Aquarius Purpose and Career

Mantra and Purpose

The Aquarius mantra is "I know." This mantra reflects Aquarius's ability to see both sides of every issue and their need for knowledge.

Their purpose is to bring knowledge and information to others. They are always ready to help others, and they are very humanitarian.

Aquarius at Work

Aquarians are known for their independent streak. They are very independent, and they like to do things their way.

They are adaptable and can easily change their plans to suit the situation.

In the workplace, Aquarians are known for their intelligence, quick mind, and ability to communicate with others.

They are always ready to help others, and they are very humanitarian.

Aquarius Compatibility

Regarding the overall compatibility between astrological signs, one must consider the other planetary cross-connections, the moon, and the rising warning with the sun sign.

Aquarius is most compatible with fellow air signs Gemini and Libra.

These three signs have a lot in common, including their love of knowledge and ability to see both sides of every issue.

Fire Signs

The fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are also compatible with Aquarius. These signs share Aquarius's love of independence and ability to adapt to any situation.

Air Signs

Other air signs are also compatible with Aquarius, including the air signs Gemini and Libra.

These three signs have a lot in common, including their love of knowledge and ability to see both sides of every issue.

Water Signs

Aquarius is least compatible with Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces water signs.

These signs are very different from Aquarius, and they may find Aquarius too inflexible and high-tempered.

Earth signs

The earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, are compatible with Aquarius. These signs share Aquarius's love of knowledge and ability to adapt to any situation.

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